new entry on pdf blog
Just posted this entry on Four different NYT articles in last day talk about the growing complexity – and legitimacy – of Internet asylums co-managed by the inmates, i.e., where audiences and consumers are the co-creators:
Annoying but interesting Katie Hafner article on Wikipedia needing to shut a few entries for editing sometimes. (With a soupcon of unnecessary mainstream media smirkiness: “Wikipedia isn’t a utopia??!! Horrors! Make Macaulay Culkin face!!”)
Shoe guru turns customers into product development footsoldiers.
Great profile on how Ze made a comedy video from a script his readers wiki-wrote.
And Star Trek Lives! 🙂 in new live-action adventures shot, produced and shared online by fans.
I promise, I’d blog less about The Times if the Romenesko newsletter dropped in my inbox at 3 a.m.!
What better time to blog then when I should be packing for my trip to Morocco. Note to self: more travel deadlines.