I'm not a big Bill Maher fan (egomaniac, weird hair), but this riff on our total loss of perspective was great: At the Republican debate this week, Mike Huckabee said, "Islamofascism is the greatest threat we ever faced." Really? More than the Nazis, and the Russians and the Redcoats? In his latest ad, Mitt Romney warns eerily that Muslim jihadists want to establish an Islamic caliphate covering the whole world, including America. Yes, and I want to be adopted by Angelina Jolie. And you thought the people who were scared of gays and Mexicans were paranoid. Islamic terrorists taking over America? They can barely get across the monkey bars. Our defense budget is $600 billion a year. They're using guns they took off a dead Soviet in 1981. I think we can hold Charleston. ... we have become the most insecure, paranoid superpower ever. We don't think we can get…
Yearly Archives 2007
From Mass. Governor Deval Patrick's endorsement of Obama: For once, I want a campaign that’s not about the candidate, but about us. Not about a resumé, but about character. Not about connections or convenience, but about conviction. Not about smearing the competition, but about lifting us all up. Not about the right and the left, but about right and wrong. Not about yesterday, but about tomorrow. I don’t care whether the next president has experience in the White House. I care whether he understands life in your house. I don’t care whether the next president has already met foreign heads of state. I care whether he knows something about how people live and think in distant cities and villages and can remember that our actions affect them, too. I don’t care whether the next president is the first black president or the first woman president or the first whatever, to…
I will need to come back here, but there's something freeing about a 24-hour stop in Prague, 'cause you know you won't see it all, so you relax about trying. Oh, and I think my photos of Prague in the evening are pretty nice, but I also just saw this one on Flickr. Oh well.