brand-am air
In a Neal Stephenson-like display of Millennial corporatism, TGIF was offering SEVEN DOLLAR meals on my US Air flight from Pittsburgh to Phoenix. It was gratifying to see almost all of my fellow passengers turn them down. As the flight attendant moved down the aisle faster than any flight attendant with food should, I had a moment of hope that America will just say no to being bilked and branded back into the Stone Age.
On Delta, it’s 8 bucks for a sandwich. To be fair, it’s apparently impossible for these airlines to make any money after security and maintenance costs.
Maybe they’ll add a new class of air travel for people like me, Economy, Coach, Business, Commercial-Free, First…
It least you had the choice to eat some overpriced, bland, unoriginal, unhealthy crap…
Oops, I meant to say, “at least you had the choice to PAY for some…”
Oy! Just read your entry. Now that ain’t right …
You’d think after 9/11 we’d all be given the chance to feel /more/ comfortable in the air …