“blogger’s alley”
Don’t you love it? There warn’t no Blogger’s Alley at the 2000 conventions, I’ll warrant.
Check out this sleek collection of blog feeds at ConventionBloggers.com.
I, alas, am in Northern California. But I can hardly complain …
Don’t you love it? There warn’t no Blogger’s Alley at the 2000 conventions, I’ll warrant.
Check out this sleek collection of blog feeds at ConventionBloggers.com.
I, alas, am in Northern California. But I can hardly complain …
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Been waiting for your comments on the convention. And anything else that’s happened in the past two weeks. But if you’re in lovely northern California, I expect you to be out doing something, not blogging.
Yes, well I managed to mix doing actual things and email in a 70/30 balance. Not bad, considering. I met someone out there who saw me sitting at the computer for a few minutes and asked “Do you write /about/ things, or fiction?”
I liked what I saw of the convention. The insta-spin by Giuliani and Racicot had me a little nervous, not for partisan reasons, but because of the precedent it sets. What comes next, a real-time “Opposition Ticker” at the bottom of the screen?