Yearly Archives 2008

If you're one of the few loyal souls who've visited this page more than 2-3 times, you know that I think language and criticism about events do almost as much to influence the future as events themselves. That's one of the main reasons I think Barack Obama is not only a better candidate, but a better choice for president. The press has been woefully delinquent over the last generation in their once-sacrosanct role as guardians of not only truth, but decency in our leaders. From the shameless warmongering of recent years to the eager clutching at every inch of the Lewinsky scandal, the mainstream media has chosen eyeballs over oversight nearly without exception. So it's in that spirit that I'm posting this Keith Olbermann "Special Comment" on Hillary Clinton's feckless invocation of the RFK assassination. Not for what it says about Clinton and her poor judgment or bad priorities, but…

A 2000 clip dug out from the video archive by Crooks and Liars: Jim Lehrer: Finally for the record, you have not lost your desire to be President of the United States have you? John McCain: Certainly it’s been put in deep cold storage. haha.. Lehrer: You haven’t lost it? McCain: Well, in 2004, I expect to be campaigning for the reelection of President George W. Bush, and by 2008, I think I might be ready to go down to the old soldiers home and await the cavalry charge there.

Well, the good news is, Obama's toughening up: "I want to be perfectly clear with George Bush and John McCain….If George Bush and John McCain want to have a debate about protecting the United States of America, that is a debate I’m willing to have anytime, anywhere because that is a debate that I will win because George Bush and John McCain have a lot to answer for."The bad news? Wolf Blitzer can't spell Hitler's name: From CNN Anchor Wolf Blitzer WASHINGTON (CNN) — Barack Obama came out swinging against both President Bush and John McCain. At issue: the allegation that those who are willing to sit down with terrorists are no different than those who sought to appease Adolph Hitler in the lead-up to World War II. A day after President Bush’s speech in Jerusalem, Obama gave a tough speech of his own defending his record and then followed…
