Yearly Archives 2013

Three ads from the NYC Subway say a lot about state of gender relations.At least Carrie looks like a freestanding being. Maybe that's why she also looks frightened. See also here, here and here.

Chilling and compelling quotes on this morning from preportedly verified anonymous online Q&A (I know how that sounds) with abduction victim Hannah Anderson.Obviously the most important questions are, Is she all right? What really happened? And, of course, Is this account of an anonymous Q&A with her true?I can't answer, but I can say that -- maybe in the interest of speed -- atrocious copywriting errors by CNN itself were left in. Let's get this right, people. It's actual news about something really bad (emphasis below is mine). Hannah Anderson did what any teenage girl would do after a life-changing ordeal: she discussed it with peers online. ... Dawn MacNabb, whose son is one of her closest friends, confirmed to the Associated Press that the postings on were by Hannah. She said her son spoke on the phone with Hannah on Tuesday and urged her to delete…

The "mountaintop" vision of civil rights and social justice "remains far away" - Luis Ubiñas, outgoing president of the Ford Foundation. Glad to be liveblogging from this Ford event in NYC today with @goddessjaz @sonalbee and @brooklynsingh. UPDATE: A view from the bloggers' table and a replay of the webstream below:  <a href="" >Courting Change: The Road Ahead for Civil Rights</a>
